This allows server operators to automatically run a map-specific config file at the beginning of a map (time + 10 seconds). This will allow you to run any HLDS (Neo+TFC) command: create entities ( cycler, tentacle, barnacle, xen_tree, ntf_item_invul etc.) when the map starts. USAGE: Create a "neotf" folder in your tfc/maps directory Put all map config files ( .cfg file extension). The config files are in this format: _ncf.cfg Where is the name of the map withouth the .bsp extension. Examples: 2fort = "2fort_ncf.cfg", badlands = "badlands_ncf.cfg" , rock2 = "rock2_ncf.cfg" Note: Config names are CASE SENSITIVE, they MUST match the map name. NOTE: This requires the "ntf_feature_loadconfig" cvar to be enabled. CVAR Settings: "0" : Disabled. "1" : Read-only. The server will only try to read the map config file. If the file doesn't exist or it's blank it will be skipped. If the map config exists and it has content (not blank) it will be executed. "2" or greater: Create. The server will create the maps/neotf directory (if it doesn't already exist) and create a blank map-specific config (if it doesn't already exist). If the map config exists and it has content (not blank) it will be executed. HLDS COMMAND: "ntf_reload_config", this server command will reload the current map's config file (if it exists) in 2 seconds. NOTE: Certain entities will not be created unless their governing cvar is enabled and/or they require a mapchange to be enabled.