================================================================================ ------------------------* LEVEL INFORMATION *-------------------------- ================================================================================ TITLE : FreeFall 4th (and Final) Revistion FILENAME : freefall4.zip .zip CONTENTS : freefall4.bsp freefall4.txt readme.txt AUTHOR : VerconSystems [Michael Aaron Dionne] -Canadain E-mail : Verconsystems@halflife.net HOMEPAGE : www.halflife.net/strategyhl DATE : November 5, 2000 GAME PLAY TYPE : Team Play ================================================================================ ------------------------* LEVEL DESCRIPTION *-------------------------- ================================================================================ Freefall seriers was origenally built because alot of people in the server that I allways played on, were seeing how high each of them could get. through rocket jumping or outher methods. Building's or, clipbrushes allways got in the way, thats what prompted me to build freefall. Freefall is a big open space with good looking buildngs, the main trophy of this map is the tower, wich stands and impressive 7700 unites tall. [any more then that and halflife will stall, when you play it] Freefall 1,2,3 have allways been contravisal because it really had no point, no flag. Some people hated that [PEOPLE HOW INSESIVLY ALWAYS TRY TO CAP] because they had no way to get point's on this map and so they looked bad. That is why freefall4 has an objective, to satisefy the many. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SINGLE PLAYER : 01 Player Re spawn Points DEATHMATCH : 32 Player Re spawn Points SUGGESTED PLAYER LOAD : 2 to 32 ================================================================================ ------------------------* CONSTRUCTION *-------------------------- ================================================================================ BASE MAP USED : Yes, Freefall3, freefall2, freefall PREFABS USED : all my work, insperation from halflife singleplayer maps. Some assistece for the flag entities. EDITORS USED : Worldcraft 2.0 Worldcraft 3.3 EntED TBED UTILITIES USED : Zoners Compileing tools KNOWN BUGS : If you stay to long or not long enough, you will have a "train collistion" the trains will simply pass through each outher and crush you slowly. COMPILE MACHINE : [Compaq Presario 1245] 333mhz K6-2 3Dnow 160mb Ram, Laptop Win98SE QBSP2 : 18.29 Seconds VIS : 60.96 Seconds QRAD : 915.23 Seconds ================================================================================ ------------------------* OTHER LEVELS BY THE AUTHOR *-------------------------- ================================================================================ Duke Nukem 3D : SMS Duke Nukem 3D : Minisapality Half-Life : Designate Team Fortress 1.5 : Freefall Team Fortress 1.5 : Freefall2 Team Fortress 1.5 : Freefall3 ================================================================================ ------------------------* CREDITS *-------------------------- ================================================================================ JD :For you wrighting on a nicel'y layed out report of the probelms of Freefall, Freefall2, Freefall3 and suggestions. IceMan :For the constance persistence of asking when is it going to be done. Key Digital :Serving Freefall, Freefall2, Freefall3, and now Freefall4 and maintaing some of the best Halflife servers out there. "www.halflifeserver.com" Romulan. Half-Life.Net :For serveing my website, Strategy Halflife Cult of the Shadow :Testing of the level, and for being there. "http://www.CoS.S5.com" www.gamedesign.net :For teaching me how to use advanced entities through all there torturales ================================================================================ ------------------------* COPYRIGHT/PERMISSIONS *-------------------------- ================================================================================ Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH NO MODIFICATIONS. If you don't co-operate, DON'T DISTRIBUTE IT IN ANY FORM.